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About Menture´s website



This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) concerns the use of your information, which may identify or make identifiable a natural person (“Personal Data”), by MENTURE and describes how we treat such information.


MENTURE's mission is to solve critical problems with a pragmatic approach that delivers results, as well as offering reliable professional services to our clients, consistently exceeding their expectations and bringing the highest value to each relationship developed. For this reason, we take care to clarify and disclose our Privacy Policy, in order to provide information about what Personal Data we collect about you, how they are used and with whom we share them.

This Policy applies to the use or navigation on the MENTURE website, or when you use our services.

As a way of ensuring the transparency and accuracy of the information contained herein, you will be notified if there is any substantial change to this Policy, so we recommend that you periodically resume reading its terms.


1. Collection of information


MENTURE may collect information that contains Personal Data, in different ways and in different areas of its website, directly or indirectly, from information that:


a) you provide us, spontaneously;


b) on the way you browse our website or application, as well as internet applications, including browsing habits and content accessed in general (date, time, location and access page);


c) cookies, tags and anonymous identifiers contained in emails sent to you can also be used to monitor your interactions.


1.1. Information collected directly


You can offer your information to us spontaneously by creating accounts, filling out forms or inserting references about yourself in any context on our websites, in our applications and in the use of our other services.


In addition, the interactions that you carry out on our websites or in our applications are recorded and your Personal Data will be collected when you send, receive or interact with messages that are on our platforms.


MENTURE may, at any time and without prior notification or justification, edit or delete content published on its website or application, without changing the meaning of its expression, insofar as any publications violate the Policy, the Code of Ethics and Conduct of MENTURE, rights of other users or even the current legislation. However, it is important to clarify that this is a right of MENTURE and not an obligation, except in cases where requests for exclusion occur through the courts.


1.2. Information collected indirectly from browsing websites and applications


When you visit our application or our website, a 'cookie' is inserted in your browser, using the Google Analytics software to identify how many times you have visited that email address. Information such as IP address, geographic location, source of reference, type of browser, duration of visit and pages visited are collected.


The use of cookies helps us to track and store information that allows the delivery of a more personalized service, according to the characteristics and interests of users, enabling the offer of content and advertising directed to the profile of each user.


We may also use cookies to calculate the extent of use of our websites and applications, analyze navigation patterns, mapping which areas of the websites or applications you have visited and your visiting habits in general.


2. Purpose of information collection


Our goal in collecting your information that may include Personal Data is to be able to offer the best service, including information and content that are best suited to your profile. This data can include email, name, position, company, region, telephone, full address. 


We are committed to preserving the privacy and security of the information collected on our websites, platforms and Internet applications, always respecting the highest ethical and legal principles. The other information collected by MENTURE will be used to: (i) personalize the content and services available, (ii) generate statistical data for information or commercial purposes, (iii) analyze usage profile information. This information will not be shared with third parties, nor anonymously and / or revealed names or data that allow the identification of the user.


The information collected may be used to direct disclosures and invitations in general, however, the user may, at any time, request the suspension of the receipt of emails and notifications, according to the right provided for in Section 09 of this Policy. Individual personal information will not be marketed or provided to third parties, unless expressly authorized by the user.


In addition, this information may be provided in the event of strict compliance with court orders or similar legal procedures.


3. Veracity and accuracy of information


It is important that you understand that you are responsible for the veracity of the information that may contain Personal Data shared with MENTURE and you must keep it always updated to optimize your experience and ensure its security.


4. Access and share your information


Only MENTURE employees will have access to your information, which may contain Personal Data, and among these, only people with the necessary authorization to do so. Eventually, if the insertion of your information happens in actions created in partnerships, the partners explicitly identified and expressly authorized in advance will also have access to the information. No information or Personal Data may be publicly disclosed.


5. Storage of your information


All of your information that may contain Personal Data is confidential and any use of it will be in accordance with this Policy. MENTURE will make every reasonable effort to ensure the security of our systems and your data.


All your information will be, whenever possible, encrypted or anonymized, in case they do not prevent its use by MENTURE. At any time you can request a copy of your Personal Data stored in our systems.


We will keep Personal Data and information only until they are necessary or relevant for the purposes described in this Policy, or in the case of periods predetermined by law, or until they are necessary to maintain MENTURE's legitimate interests, in a manner justified. After this period, they will be duly deleted from the MENTURE databases.


All information that may contain Personal Data will be deleted from our servers when you request it or when it is no longer necessary or relevant to offer you our services, unless there is any other reason for maintaining it, such as a legal obligation to retain Personal Data or the need to preserve them to protect MENTURE's rights.


To change this information or delete it from our database, just send an email to


6. Information security guarantees


MENTURE considers your privacy to be extremely important and will do everything in its power to protect it. However, we cannot guarantee that all of your Personal Data and information on our platform will be free from unauthorized access.


7. Your rights in relation to your Personal Data


Brazilian data protection legislation grants you a series of rights in relation to your Personal Data and you can exercise them by sending an email to For more information on how to contact us, see Section 12 below.


See below your main rights related to your Personal Data:


- Confirm that your Personal Data is processed by MENTURE.

- Obtaining information about the treatment of your Personal Data.

- Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated Personal Data.

- Anonymization, blocking or deletion of Personal Data that are unnecessary, excessive or that are being treated in non-compliance with the law.

- Request the deletion of your Personal Data, which has been processed based on the consent given by you previously.

- Information on which public and private entities have access to Personal Data by decision of MENTURE.

- Possibility of not providing consent for the processing of your Personal Data and being informed of the consequences of such refusal.

- Revocation, at any time, of the consent already provided for the processing of Personal Data


8. Access to other websites and applications


It is important that you know that the information in this Policy concerns only our website and application. When accessing other websites and applications through advertisements located on our website or in our application, those responsible for these advertisements may collect information about you. In this case, you must seek the applicable privacy policy, as we will have no control or responsibility over the privacy practices of these partners, which are not covered by the Policy.


9. About canceling your account


You can always choose to cancel your account and request the deletion of your information and / or Personal Data. In every email we send there is always a link to cancel your subscription available on the last lines. When you click on this link, you will be automatically removed from the mailing list.

It is important to mention that, when filling out any form again, if you provide your consent for the re-insertion of your email to the list, a possible future request for cancellation must be made again, if it is of interest to you.


10. Security


We monitor and try to prevent security breaches, and with the care we take, we can ensure that we avoid as much as possible security breaches that affect you. However, recognizing that there are natural risks inherent in the use of the Internet, we understand that we cannot completely eliminate this risk. In any case, we guarantee that the protection of your Personal Data is one of our priorities and that, in case of any security incident, such as improper access, leakage, exclusion, transmission, among others, we will take all possible measures to minimize possible damages.


11. Applicable Law


This document is governed and must be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The District Court of the city of São Paulo, in the state of São Paulo, is elected as the competent body to resolve any issues arising from this document, with express waiver of any other, however privileged it may be.


12. Contact and more information


Se você tiver alguma dúvida, comentário ou solicitação sobre o tratamento de dados pessoais realizado pela MENTURE, entre em contato pelo e-mail ou no endereço Rua Claudio Soares, 72 Conj. 115 e 912 - 05422-030 – Pinheiros - SP/SP.

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